Durga Puja’s Foodgasm | দুর্গা পূজার ভুরি ভোজ
Bengalis are known to be foodies (বাঙালি মানেই খাদ্য রসিক). And this enthusiasm manifolds during the 4 days of Durga Puja. From Kathi Rolls to Kobiraji Cutlets, from Phuchka/ Panipuri/ Gol Gappa (ফুচকা ) to Jhal muri (ঝাল মুড়ি), from Biryani (বিরিয়ানি) to Chicken Ala kiev, from Chelo Kebab to Kosha Mansho (কষা মাংস) and Luchi (লুচি), from Dab Chingri (ডাব চিংড়ি) to Ilish Pathuri Bengali relish and savour everything during these days. One can see the huge waiting line in front of big shot Restaurants and food joints everywhere from Kolkata’s Peter Cat, Arsalan, Mocambo or a Hatari , the same scene can be seen in front of an Oh! Calcutta or a Bijoli Grill or a Bhojohori a Hanglas in Mumbai.
Navi Mumbai is no different. The twin city of Mumbai also hosts a lot of fine-dines and medium scale bistros, cafes, food joints, resto-bars (please check www.brewawebonline.com) and Bengali restaurants like Iti restaurant and Bong Adda to name a few. These two joints provide authentic Bengali cuisine from both East and West Bengal (এপার আর ওপার বাংলা). One can judge the authenticity of these two restaurants when they got to stand in a queue in front of these restaurants. One should definitely try “Gol barir Kosha Mangsho”, “Chicken Kobiraji” from Iti Restaurant, “Dab Chingri”, “Mughlai Platter” from Bong Adda and Kati rolls from A-one Kolkata Rolls.
Happy Eating!!!